Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tempat Senang....

.....I'll post about tomorrow, I swear! I just spent a day and a half on my own in a remote area of Batam (it's right next to a golf course) where I could digest the happenings of the past few weeks. It was good to get away and reflect before the hell that will be inspection week over the next 10 days.

Anyways, to carry over everyone (I think there are two people who read this), here is a link to various Picasa Web Albums so you can see the pictures from the happenings over the past few weeks before I blog about them.


Sentosa (Sept 2011)

Team Building

Team Building (Sept 2011)

Changi Chapel and Museum

Changi Chapel and Museum (Sept 2011)

National Museum

National Museum (Sept 2011)

Universal Studios (The Singles queues are awesome)
Universal (Sept 2011)

Zoo (Sept 2011)

Finally, as promised, here are a couple of videos of me just playing around at the inline court - prepare to be amazed at how terrible I am!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a week

Yup, once again I've failed to post regular updates on how the week has gone, but I'll have a bit of time on my hands tomorrow so I hope to post pictures, a few videos from me attempting to play inline hockey, and a quick recap of the past couple of weeks. I do warn you, I'll probably ramble ;)

Anyways, have you ever had one of those weeks where you look back and realise "Holy Shit...that just changed everything?" I have to admit that it has certainly been some time since I've truly felt the magnitude of a week like the last one, but it truly changed everything.

Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.-- Winston Churchill

I had posted the above quote on my Facebook page and it's amazing how your whole perspective on things can change from a simple (and accidental) discovery of the truth; a realisation that has taken years to finally come to light and be absorbed. Rather than letting the past dictate and control my actions, it's about time I put it aside, look forward, and be thankful for everything and everyone that I have now.

I'm tired of the walls...they're done. I'm facing this crap head on and not running away like I have been for quite some time now.

But for those who have known me for 5+ years, I'm back.

Let my future begin.

Just bring it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I've been bad

I suck at updating this regularly.

Quick hits:

Friday: Sentosa Island
Saturday: Team Building/Volunteering
Sunday: Changi Chapel and Museum/Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Monday/Tuesday: Work (Yippee)
Wednesday: National Museum/Roller Hockey

I've got tons of pictures to upload and once I get some time to focus I'll be sure to blog all about the last few days. Until then, I'm going to watch the Bourne Identity to allow my adrenaline to die down from hockey tonight.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wow....what a day

From work, to Citibank, to my adventures in Sentosa, to being butchered on a massage table....most importantly though, I think I finally figured out just why I needed to come to Singapore.

I'll update the blog tomorrow with details on the day but the last part I'll keep to myself for a while. I think you'll see a whole new Tilly after the events of today.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sick for the first time in Singapore

It only took me 5 months which sure as hell beats the frequency in which I was getting sick back in SF, but my sore throat finally consumed me so I'm working from home today. I had been hoping that it was a brief 24 hour cold, and while I think I will be gone by tomorrow, I felt like garbage this morning which is why I emailed/texted in that I wasn't going to be coming in.

I'm not sure why I continue to take Nyquil to help me sleep when I'm sick as I always have the most messed up dreams that really rattle me whenever I wake up. Things are crazy enough to begin with over here (and in general) which is why these dreams don't seem to help. Oh well, at least I was able to use the sleeping time to recover as I feel much better than when I woke up at 5:30.

As mentioned in my last post, I watched Superman 4 last night which I think just took over Batman and Robin as my most hated Comic Book-based movie of all time. I'm no comic book buff by any means as my comic book knowledge was founded based upon the hours and hours I spent staring at the TV screen as a child, but I can see why Superman took a very long hiatus after that crap was made. Normally after work I come home to eat while putting on an episode of Star Trek the Original Series since there's not much time before I have to go to bed anyways, but last night I thought I would change it up. I've been watching TOS on Blu Ray as it was years ago when I actually sat down and truly watched the episodes and I figure I should probably watch all of the Blu Rays that I own as well. Harry would be proud of me as every classic moment of Shatner's is another quote to use in our friendly banter via email.

Anyways, I beter get back to work as I want to get everything wrapped up today so I can enjoy my long weekend in Singapore. It has been nearly two months since I was actually in town for these 3 days off so I'm going to try and start exploring if I've recovered in time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011